VibramUTLO obteined the EcoActions attestation.
This attestation is released by Legambiente, the well respected italian environmental association, after a series of evaluations based upon the EcoActions protocol that defines the good practices to undertake in order to minimize the environmental impact of an event.
EcoActions is a valuation and self-evaluation protocol developed by Legambiente with the cooperation of Rete Ambiente e Salute. Using a check list it verifies the planning and management of the low impact event analizing different areas: reduction of the material resources, correct management of the waste, sustainable mobility ad logistic, separate waste collection, energy saving. It also icludes information and communication activities for increasing the awareness and the attention towards the environment and sustainable life practices.
The UTLO and the UTLO events ssdrl staff work constantly during the year mantaining and cleaning the path so that they could be used not only during the event and not only by the runners. During the race, furthermore, in the refreshment point where it will be served an hot plate, will be used only Mater-bi tablewear and it will not be possible to find plastic tablewear or glasses.