Regulation Vibram Ultra Trail Lago Orta – UTLO 2024

this regulation may be subject to changes.
last review 18/09/2024


The UTLO EVENTS s.s.d.r.l. NO067, in partnership with the municipalities of Omegna, Arola, ameno, Armeno, Cesara, Madonna del Sasso, Miasino, Nonio, Orta San Giulio, Pella, Pettenasco, San Maurizio d’Opaglio, Quarna Sopra, Quarna Sotto, Varallo Sesia, organizes, on october 12-13 2024, the 14th edition of the running event “Vibram Ultra Trail del Lago d’Orta – UTLO”, affiliated with F.I.D.A.L.


On october 12 and 13 the event, that will offer a total of 5 different races, will take place in the countryside surrounding the Orta lake with any weather conditions. Each race is run in one stage, at one’s own speed, but within a limited time and in autonomy.

Saturday 12 october 2024

  • Vibram UTLO 75Km, approx 73,4 km with about 4010 meters of height gain
  • Vibram UTLO 55Km, approx 54,2 km with about 2860 meters of height gain
  • Vibram UTLO 12Km, approx 11,7 km with about 360 meters of height gain

Sunday 13 october 2024

  • Vibram UTLO 34Km, approx 34 km with about 2000 meters of height gain.
  • Vibram UTLO 21Km, approx 21,1 km with about 980 meters of height gain.


For all the races it doesn’t need to have attended to other events, but it does need:

  • To be totally aware of the length and the specificity of the event and to be perfectly prepared for it
  • To have acquired, prior to the race, a real capacity for self-sufficiency in the mountains which permits the management of problems induced by this type of course, and notably:
    • To know how to face, without outside help, climatic conditions which can become very difficult due to the altitude (night, wind, fog, cold, rain or snow)
    • To know how to manage, even if one finds oneself isolated, physical or mental problems arising from high fatigue, muscular or joint pain, digestive problems, minor injuries…
  • To be fully aware, that it is not the role of the organization to help a runner to overcome these problems
  • To be fully aware, that for such an activity in the mountains security depends upon the capacity of the runner to adapt to the problems encountered or envisaged.

Participation in one of the races, described in the Art. 2, assumes the acceptance of the present regulation and of the F.I.D.A.L. Regulation, concerning the trail Running races (rules 252), without any reserve.


Semi-autonomy is defined as having the capacity to be autonomous, for the whole race,from one refreshemnt point to the next one, not only on the food front but also that of clothing and security, being able to adapt oneself in particular to problems encountered or envisaged, like for example: bad weather, physical problems, injuries, etc.
This principle is implicated in the following rules:

    • It’s strongly recommended that each runner brings with him, at all time during the race, besides the mandatory equipment, all the items, different from race to race, listed as “recommended” in the art. 8 of this regulation.
    • The refreshment points will supply liquids, water and salts, in some of them also solid or warm food. One or more representatives, appointed by the organization, will make them available to the runners.
    • It is forbidden, to be accompanied during all or any part of the race by a person not enrolled.


Entry is open to athletes:

  • For the 75Km
    • aged 20 and over
    • who are in possession of a valid medical certificate specifically for sports racing activities that doesn’t expires before the day of the chosen race.Please Note It’s mandatory to have a valid certificate in order to take part in the race not at the moment of the registration. The non-italian runners must use and fill in the form that they can find here: download
    • who have a FIDAL membership card or a card among Runcard, Runcard EPS or Runcard Trail.
  • For all the other races:
    • aged 18 and over. With no membership card but only a Runcard the minimum ages is 20 years old.
    • who are in possession of a valid medical certificate specifically for sports racing activities that doesn’t expires before the day of the chosen race.Please Note It’s mandatory to have a valid certificate in order to take part in the race not at the moment of the registration. The non-italian runners must use and fill in the form that they can find here: download
    • who have a FIDAL membership card or a membership card from another organization, recognized by FIDAL, or a card among Runcard, Runcard EPS or Runcard Trail.

Enrollment is online, using WEDOSPORT, filling in the appropriate form.

The fee payment is possible only with credit card, paypal, mybank, satispay using the online service provided by “WEDOSPORT”

The registration is personal and final, it’s not allowed exchange of bib numbers or names.
It won’t be possible to change the distance after the registration deadline.
The postponement of the registration to the next edition is not allowed.

If the athlete is unable to participate and wishes to cancel his registration, he/she must notify the organisers only by e-mail at the following address:
Procedures for reimbursement are as follows:

  • cancellation by 30/06/2024: reimbursement of 60% of fee
  • cancellation by 31/08/2024: reimbursement of 50% of fee
  • cancellation by 20/09/2024: reimbursement of 40% of fee
  • cancellation after the 20/09/2024: no refund

Refunds, net of bank charges, will be made by 31/12/2024
In the case of a runner’s non-chronic osteo-articular or muscular injury, and only in this case, arising after registration and which is not completely curable by the day of the race, the athlete will have to send a medical certificate, released not after the day of his/her race, with the pathology and the prognosis to this e-mail
If the medical committee’s decision is favourable, the runner will benefit from a 40% discount for the registrations, for the same or equivalent distance, to the next year event.

Should the event be cancelled due to circumstances beyond their control, the Organisers, due to the expenses already incurred, won’t be able to guarantee any kind of reimbursement.


The UTLO events s.s.d.r.l is a no-profit sport association; The athletes’ registration fees are contributions made by the participants, to cover organisational costs. These are not payment for services received.
The registration’s fees for the 2024 are:

  • Vibram UTLO 75Km: € 90,00 until 31/08/2024 – € 95,00 from 01/09/2024 until 30/09/2024
  • Vibram UTLO 55Km: € 75,00 until 31/08/2024 – € 80,00 from 01/09/2024 until 30/09/2024
  • Vibram UTLO 34Km: € 45,00 until 31/08/2024 – € 50,00 from 01/09/2024 until 30/09/2024
  • Vibram UTLO 21Km: € 25,00 until 31/08/2024 – € 30,00 from 01/09/2024 until 30/09/2024
  • Vibram UTLO 12Km: € 15,00 until 31/08/2024 – € 20,00 from 01/09/2024 until 30/09/2024

    Every bib is individually handed to each runner on production of:

    • A photographic identity
    • A copy of the medical certificate (if not already submitted or sent)

    During the registration, each runner must choose a time slot in which pick up his bib.
    The time slot reserved during the registration is binding.

    Each runner will have to appear, at the bib pick up, at the chosen time.
    Missing the chosen time slot implies the impossibility to partecipate at the event
    The race bib must be worn on the chest or the stomach and must be permanently and fully visible throughout the entire race. It must, therefore, always be positioned over any clothing and cannot for any reason be fixed onto the back or a leg (this will allow to speed up the controls during the race). The name and logo of the sponsors must neither be modified, nor hidden.


    The listed equipment represents the minimum necessary to run safely and that each trail-runner must adapt it according to their needs. Each runner, besides the mandatory equipment, should have, at all times during the race, at least this equipment.
    mandatory equipment for all the races

    • Mobile phone, insert emergency numbers that will be printed on the bib, keep the phone always on, do not mask the number, check to start with fully charged battery and enough call volume
    • Personal drinking cup (at least 15cl).
    • Survival blanket / heat-sheet

    Recommended equipment 75Km/55Km:

    • Backpack
    • Bottles or camel bag, with a water reserve of 1lt (at least)
    • Working headlamp with spare batteries.
    • Long pants or capri pants + socks (to completely cover the legs)
    • Solid food reserve enough to feed for the entire race
    • Waterproof jacket (like GoreTex) with hood
    • Warm clothing (long-sleeved shirt) suitable to face extreme conditions and extreme cold on the mountains (wind, rain, snow)
    • Whistle
    • Adhesive elastic band, suitable for making a bandage or strapping (min 100 cm x 6 cm)
    • Hat, cap or bandana
    • Trail / trekking poles
    • Spare warm clothing, in case of bad weather conditions or stop for injury
    • Gloves
    • Little cash (20€)

    Recommended equipment 34Km:

    • Backpack or bumbag
    • Bottles or camel bag, with a water reserve of 1lt (at least)
    • Solid food reserve enough to feed for the entire race
    • Waterproof jacket (like GoreTex) with hood
    • long pants or capri pants + socks (to completely cover the legs)
    • Warm clothing (long-sleeved shirt) suitable to face extreme conditions and extreme cold on the mountains (wind, rain, snow)
    • Hat, cap or bandana
    • Working headlamp with spare batteries
    • Trail / trekking poles
    • Gloves

    Recommended equipment 21Km/12Km:

    • Backpack or bumbag
    • Bottles or camel bag, with a water reserve of 0.5lt (at least)


    At the bib number pick-up will be given, only to the athlets of the the 75Km, a bag for a change of clothes of approx 30lt.
    In this bags the athletes can insert clothes, food ar other things that they think could be useful to have during the race. The bags will be collected at the village UTLO before the start of the race.
    The athletes will find the bags in the life base in Omegna, Km 40 approx.
    Only the bags provided by the organisation will be taken over.
    Bags with objects attached externally will not be taken over.
    The contents of the bags will not be verified on delivery so: no contestation over the contents of the bag at the finish will be accepted for damages or items lost.
    It is advised not to leave fragile or valuable items in the bags.
    After the race, the athletes, or their delegates, will be able to pick up the bag, in place to be announced, showing the bib number, until 12:00pm on sunday 13 october 2024.
    The organisation will not send unpicked up bags to any address. For hygiene reasons, unpicked up bags will be destroyed after the pick-up deadline.

    ART 10. STARTS

    Starts will be:

    Saturday 12 october 2024

    Vibram UTLO 75Km

    • start at 06:00am

    Vibram UTLO 55Km

    • start at 07:30am

    Vibram UTLO 12Km

    • start at 11:00am

    Sunday 13 october 2024

    Vibram UTLO 34Km

    • start at 08:30am

    Vibram UTLO 21Km

    • start at 09:30am

    Starting time could change due to availability and organizational needs.
    Runners will be informed about any change.
    Each runner, approaching the day of the race, must check his e-mail daily.

    ART 11. PATH

    The path is mostly on trails and dirty roads.
    Competitors must follow the race course without short cuts; race course is marked with signs, red tape, reflective material, red flags or orange paint and will be shown during the briefing. The move away from the official path, as well as result in disqualification, will be at the sole risk and danger of the competitor.


    Competitors must behave in a respectful environment, in particular by avoiding dispersing waste, picking flowers or harassing wildlife. Anyone, discovered to thrown waste along the path will be disqualified from the competition and will be subject to the penalties provided for by the municipal regulations.


    The race will take place in all weather conditions. In the case of particular weather conditions (dense fog, snow or thunder storms), the organization reserves the right to make last-minute changes, even during the race, to the race path in order to eliminate potential hazards or conditions that could cause great hardship for the participants. Any changes will be communicated to the participants and reported to the staff.


    Throughout the course, will be positioned, at different points, first aid points. These points will be connected by phone or via radio with the race direction; On the course and in Omegna there will be ambulances, civil protection personnel and medical teams until the end of all the events.
    Each runner hurt or in trouble, can call the rescue:

    • going in person to a first aid or a refreshment point during the race
    • calling the emergency numbers printed on the bib number
    • asking another runner to alert the rescue

    Each runner that sees people in difficulty must call the emergency number imprinted on the bib and ask for help. He/She must not intervene directly
    Do not forget that the environmental conditions and the type of event can make you wait for rescue longer than expected. The runner’s safety will then depend on the material that he put in the backpack.
    A runner who appeals to a doctor or a rescuer submits himself to his authority and undertakes to comply with his decisions.
    All runners must stay on marked trails. The runner, who voluntarily moves away from marked trails, is no longer under the responsibility of the Organization.
    The Organization underwrites a third party insurance for the duration of the event.
    It is advised that every athlete also take out their own insurance against injuries for the duration of the competition.
    Medical expenses are not free in Italy.
    The air rescue and emergency health treatment fees are met by the institution of the country of residence or the private insurance only if the runners are carrying the valid documentation:

    • ITALIAN CITIZENS: health card/fiscal code
    • EUROPEAN CITIZENS (Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Great Britain included): European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)
    • NON-EU CITIZENS: payment guarantee letter from a private insurance company with the address to which send the invoice.

    Anyone who does not have public health coverage (Italian or European health insurance card) or private health insurance (payment guarantee letter from a private insurance company) will be required to pay the full cost of any healthcare provided, including emergency treatment.

    The relevant documentation must be carried with you at all times during the race.
    Non-emergency health treatment are fully borned by the runners.

    Participation is, in any case, under the full responsibility of the athlete, who renounce all recourse against the organisation and the organisation team in case of damage, death and any consequences arising after the race.

    For the 75Km and 55Km runners there will be a max of 100 spots in the dorm in the gym, 25 spots for the 34Km runners. These spots must be booked in the registration form.


    Throughout the course there will be unexpected control points, where members of the organization will monitor the passage of the athletes. The passage of the athletes will also be checked at the refreshments points.
    Only the runners carrying a visible bib number will have access to the refreshment points.
    There will be refreshment points in each race.
    In the refreshment points, according to the type as described in the altimetry published on the website, it will be possibile to find water, liquids, salt, solid and warm food
    In any refreshment point there will be a specific area in which each runner can receive assistance from friends, family, team mates.
    Is forbidden any kind of personal assistance on the track, on pain of disqualification of the runner. It’s forbidden the assistance with camper, car or any other transport. Any runner found eating, sleeping o receiving assistance out of the authorized points will be disqualified
    The number of refreshment points and their location, for each race, will be posted on the website of the event.


    The maximum time to finish the race is:

    • Vibram UTLO 75Km: 20 hours
    • Vibram UTLO 55Km: 15 hours
    • Vibram UTLO 34Km: 7 hours
    • Vibram UTLO 21Km: 4 hours


    The Organization reserves the right to modify at any time and without notice the path or positioning of the rescue and refreshment points.
    In case of adverse weather conditions (heavy rains, high risk of thunderstorms, low visibility), without any possibility of complaint, departures can be postponed or canceled, the route may be changed, the time barriers may be changed or the race may be stopped at any point on the track.
    The suspension or cancellation of the race will not entitle the athletes to any automatic refund of the registration fee.


    Except in case of force majeure, a runner must only abandon at a control/refreshment point. They must alert the head of the point, who will invalidate their bib number.
    The runner must keep his invalidated bib number.
    The return is decided by the head of the control/refreshment point to the following rules:

    • To be able to return to Omegna, runners who dropped out of the race at a withdrawal point can use the service of the organization.
    • Runners who abandon at another rescue or refreshment point, but whose state of health does not need immediate evacuation must get back as quickly as possible and by their own means to the closest withdrawal point.
    • In a refreshment point accessible by organization’s vehicles:
      • at the time of the refreshment point closing, the organization can, if there are available vehicles, bring back to Omegna, withdrawn runners still on site.
      • in case of adverse weather conditions, that justify the partial suspension or the cancellation of the race, the organization, ensure the return of the runners, to the UTLO Village, in the shortest possible time.
    • In case of withdrawal before a control/refreshment point, the runner must go to the nearest control/refreshment point and communicate it to the point leader.

    It’ s possibile that, for logistic/organizational needs or to avoid gatherings , the injured or withdrawn runners could wait a while before their transfer to the finish line.
    In case of the failure to communicate a withdrawal and the consequent start of the research, the costs will be charged to the athlete.

    ART 19. PRIZES

    There won’t be cash prizes.
    Non monetary prizes shall be awarded to

    • the first 5 men and the first 5 women finishers of: 75Km – 55Km – 34Km
    • the first 3 men and the first 3 women finishers of: 21Km – 12Km

    Prizes will be handed during the award ceremonies. No prize will be shipped home to the winners after the event.
    The first italian classified athlete (overall) will receive the T-Shirt “Italian Champion” ; the first three italian classified athletes (overall) will receive a medal.
    The first italian classified athlete in any age group (Master A, Master B and Master C) will receive the T-Shirt “Italian Champion” ; the first three italian classified athlete in any age group (Master A, Master B and Master C) will receive a medal.


    Complaints (1st instance) must be presented verbally to the Race Referee within 30 minutes of the results being made official. Appeals (second instance) must be forwarded in writing to the Appeals Jury, accompanied by the required fee of €100.00 (refundable if accepted). The appeal must be delivered to the TIC within 30 minutes of the Referee/Technical Delegate’s communication regarding the decision against which one intends to appeal.


    To be visible at night, the signs have been fitted with reflective material that reflects the light of the headlamp.
    To protect the environment, for the trail marking will be used only removable markers such as ribbons, arrows and ecological paint, that disappears within a few days. It is mandatory to use only the marked trails, no shortcuts, to avoid erosion of the sites.
    WARNING: if you can not see, after 300 mt, any more markers, retrace your steps!

    ART 22. MEALS

    There will be a food service, reserved only for the runners, at the end of the competition that will be guaranteed until the last competitor. The cost is included in the registration fee.
    In order to access to the food service the athletes must bring and show to the staff their bib numbers.
    Access will be allowed only if there are places available.
    The staff will be in charge of the access flow management.


    The runner is entirely responsible for his/her participation in the competition.
    By the fact of enrolling he/she releases the Organization from any liability resulting from his/her participation in the event and waives all claims, for damages or losses, against the Organisation, which may arise from the event, even if they result from negligence, and that may occur after the race.
    The voluntary enrollment and subsequent participation in the race indicate the full acceptance of these rules and any changes made.
    By registering online, in order to complete the registration, the participant subscribes a consent form that releases the organizers from all liability, whether civil or criminal, for damages to persons and / or property caused by him or his derivatives.
    The participant commits itself to follow the rules of the Italian traffic law (Decreto Legislativo 30 aprile 1992, n.285) and its and subsequent modifications and integrations and of the FIDAL regulation.


    By registering

    • the participants authorize the organization to freely use, without territorial limits of time, still and moving images that portray them when participating in the event.
    • Each participant waives the rights to own their image during the event, as well as waives all recourse against the organisation and its partners for the use of his/her image.