Registrations for the 2022 edition are open!

Even in this 2022 the situation is not fully “normal”. So the VibramUTLO will be an exact copy of the 2021 edition: 100Km – 55Km – 31Km – 18Km (registrations for Vertical Race and the 18Km NW&TW will open wednesday)
You will have the possibility to submit a free pre-registration until the 31/08/2022. At that point, if there won’t be any surprise, you will have to confirm it, by paying the fee, from the 01/09 till the 04/09.
The 2022 fees are:

  • 100Km: 120,00 euros
  • 55Km: 70,00 euros
  • 31Km: 40,00 euros
  • 18Km: 25,00 euros

Form 01/09, if there will be bib left, it will be possibile to register with simultaneous payment of the fee.
The same thing it will be possibile form the 05/09 when alla the unpayed pre-registrations will be deleted.
The last term for registrations will be 08/10/2022.
Remember: in any race there is a maximum number of athletes admissible:

  • 100Km: 500
  • 55Km: 700
  • 31Km: 700
  • 18Km: 300

When these numbers are reached, even if before the 08/10/2022, it won’t be possible to accept new registrations.
Before you submit your pre-registration, please, read carefully the regulation of the race and, in any case, check regularly the update about the provisions that could be introduced due to the evolution of the pandemic.
Now you only have to choose your race, go to the relative page and press “register”!
